Authentic Japanese Koi Fish

Why have koi?


Known as a symbol of propsperity and good luck in the Japanese culture, koi fish are one of the best fits for large schooling fish in ponds.

Koi are very hardy fish that can withstand cold temperature drops and hot summers within the right care. This species can grow to over three foot long and have a lifespan of 25-30 years or more with the correct living conditions. 



American Koi VS. Japanese Koi


Japanese koi are often admired for their strong qualities american koi may not show such as strong coloration, longer life span due to healthier bloodlines, and preffered crisp shapes and patterns. There are plenty of factors to help their desired asthetic outcomes such as diet, water quality, and enviornment. Upon purchase of koi we can share their birth farm and arrival date to the states.